Patrick Hopple, P.E. Promoted to Partner at LERA, Other Promotions Announced for 2023

LERA is pleased to announce our new promotions for 2023! LERA Consulting Structural Engineers (LERA), a world-renowned, award-winning structural engineering consulting firm based in New York, is pleased to announce promotions for 2023. Patrick Hopple, P.E., has been named a partner at LERA. With the firm since 2006, Pat is a leader of LERA’s federal government and local civic practice. Currently, he is overseeing LERA’s effort for projects with Overseas Building Operations (OBO) on new embassies and consulates worldwide. Pat is leading mass timber, alternate concrete structures and climate security research for OBO and has worked on several high-profile cultural, education and healthcare projects domestically.
Patrick Hopple, P.E. Named Partner at LERA - Press Release

Left to right: Jae-ik Song, Patrick Hopple, Eddy Roberts
Congratulations to all promoted personnel!
New York Partner Patrick Hopple, P.E.
Associate Partner Eddy Roberts, P.E. Jaeik Song, P.E.
Associate Sean Zhang, P.E. | Seoul
Associate Seunghoon Shin Senior Engineer Hwanchul Kim Bohador Bagheri (Jiwon Park) |