LERA Celebrates 15th Year of CANstruction!
Once again, LERA's engineers showed off their creative side at Canstruction NY, an annual charitable design competition in support of City Harvest's food drive. Remarkably, this is our 15th consecutive year of entering the competition. In honor of our continued support, LERA received an award to commemorate our 15th anniversary at the 2016 Annual Canstruction Gala at Battery Gardens Restaurant.
Constructed from over 3,000 tuna and sardine cans, our submission for this year's competition, titled "Hungry Like the Wolf," symbolizes the collective effort it takes to defeat hunger and to help the weaker members of the "wolf pack." Our donation will contribute to meals for over 800 New Yorkers in need. We encourage everybody to "howl" with us in the fight against hunger!
Canstruction NY is now open to the public at Brookfield Place until Wednesday, November 16th. Stop by to see our wolf in its natural habitat and to make a donation of your own!
Click here to watch Spectrum News NY1's coverage of the event, featuring our entry.
Click here to watch ABC News take a tour of the completed structures.
Click here for Curbed New York's article feature, which listed LERA as a favorite!
Click here to view a list of winners.
Time lapse footage of the LERA "Wolf Pack" in action, shot by Adam Kirk.

Our completed wolf stands tall.

A view from below.

Nidhi Sekhar and Eddy Roberts put on the finishing touches.

A view from above.

Onlookers marvel at our creative CAN-gineering!

Our wolf was featured in the Wall Street Journal!

Our mission board.