LERA Takes Home Cheri C. Melillo Award at Canstruction New York 2020-21!
LERA's entry for this year's Canstruction New York, titled "Take A Stand," was awarded Cheri C. Melillo Award, dedicated after...

LERA 2021 Promotions, Douglas P. González Promoted to Partner
Above: Doug González signs the steel beam for the topping out ceremony at the Coney Island Hospital in February 2020. Douglas P. González...

NYREJ's Spotlight, Yun Luo & Carrie Villani, LERA Consulting Structural Engineers
Yun Luo and Carrie Villani has been featured side by side in New York Real Estate Journal's 2020 Year in Review! Yun Luo is an Associate...

Happy Holidays from LERA!
LERA's Holiday Can Mosaic Sending our best wishes for the holiday season and a healthy and successful 2021 to our friends and colleagues!...

LERA Expands W/MBE Certification in The State of Wisconsin
LERA Consulting Structural Engineers is now WMBE certified with the state of Wisconsin! We are looking forward to serving our clients in...

Carrie Villani Presents Unraveling W/MBE: Qualification, Certification, and Teaming
Carrie Villani, Director of Marketing at LERA Consulting Structural Engineers was thrilled to present to SMPS Philadelphia. Her...

NYREJ's Women in Real Estate, Marli Mata, LERA Consulting Structural Engineers
Marli Mata has been an integral part of LERA's winning CANstruction team! Marli is a BIM Specialist at LERA with a Masters in BIM...

The Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center (ADARC) at CUMC featured on 60 Minutes CBS TV
Image Credits: Pavel Bendov The recently renovated Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center (ADARC) at Columbia University Medical Center was...

LERA announces new office in Seoul, South Korea
LERA Consulting Structural Engineers is proud to announce our fifth location in Seoul, South Korea LERA Consulting Structural Engineers...

Passing the Baton - Better Project Handoff Processes with BIM White Paper Released
Image Credits: Autodesk Engineering Executive Council LERA Consulting Structural Engineers is pleased to announce the first whitepaper...