Capitol Crossing Progresses
"It’s a fascinating engineering challenge and we’ve got three major structural engineering firms working on it, all of whom have a lot of...

Making Progress at the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument
LERA has been working with the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation to provide Historic Preservation services for the...

LERA Celebrates 15th Year of CANstruction!
Once again, LERA's engineers showed off their creative side at Canstruction NY, an annual charitable design competition in support of...

Engineer of the Moment: Doug González, P.E.
This month's "Engineer of the Moment" is Doug González, P.E. An Associate Partner at LERA, Doug was recently elected President of the...

LERA Opens in Hong Kong
LERA Expands Presence in China, Opens New Office in Hong Kong Leslie E. Robertson Associates (LERA), a world-class, award-winning...

Recent (Rave) Reviews for the Columbia University Medical Center!
A handful of articles have come out recently in praise of the nearly-completed Roy and Diana Vagelos Medical Education Center, Columbia...

Engineer of the Moment: Ksenia Tretiakova
Ksenia Tretiakova at the drafting table. This month’s "Engineer of the Moment" spotlight falls on Ksenia Tretiakova, one of LERA’s...

LERA Proud to Support CTBUH 2016
LERA is a proud supporter of CTBUH and is an official Sponsor of the CTBUH 2016 Conference Cities to Megacities: Shaping Dense Vertical...

Extra! Extra! LERA Newsletter
Tons of exciting news to share! Check out Leslie E. Robertson Associates' Summer 2016 Newsletter to read about projects, awards and our...

LERA Assists Property Owners Adjacent to Construction Projects
By Benjamin M. Cornelius, PE, SE New York City neighborhoods include old and new buildings side by side. With residential construction...